Statement Regarding One Athletics in NSW and Response to LAC's Requests

Published Mon 24 Jul 2023

Last week, Athletics NSW (ANSW) and Little Athletics NSW (LANSW) received a letter sent on behalf of eight LANSW Centres representing almost 5,000 LANSW members. The letter pertained to the current state of Athletics in NSW and the Centres’ desire to see a One Athletics Structure achieved. That desire is shared by ANSW and has been for many years.

The letter stated, in part, that:

“Notwithstanding each of our Centres have made our own decision with respect to the option to be pursued for the rapidly approaching 2023/24 season, one thing that we are united in is our view that a dual model of oversight and administration of athletics in NSW is not in the best interests of the Centres, nor our athletes. There is a need for Athletics to achieve a ‘One Athletics’ structure in NSW – ideally, through a single governing body that provides a single pathway through the sport in NSW.”

ANSW could not agree more with the sentiments of that statement. The letter also requested that ANSW and LANSW each:

  1. Make a public commitment in writing to achieving a ‘One Athletics’ structure in NSW;
  2. Confirm that key considerations for achieving a ‘One Athletics’ structure, will be:
    1. informed by input from affiliated centres/clubs;
    2. communicated in an open and transparent manner to affiliated clubs; and
    3. approached in a democratic manner such that the grassroots centres are afforded the opportunity to participate and decide on the best way forward (that is, any decisions on this matter will not be conducted behind closed doors within your respective Board Rooms); and
  3. Confirm in writing that they will not seek to “penalise” any Centre from pursuing any affiliation by removing rights to participate in any competitions overseen by the respective entity.

The purpose of this statement is to respond to each of those requests from the Centres, as has been requested by them and in a way that is transparent and open for the whole NSW Athletics community to see.

Commitment to One Athletics

ANSW has actively led formal and informal discussions with LANSW with the hope of achieving a unified sport for more than 10 years. Of the 214 Member Federations of World Athletics – making Athletics and Football the only two truly global sports – we are the only one that divides the governance of the junior ages in the sport. No other successful sport in Australia or around the world does this. That division and the resulting duplication and confusion has been a handbrake on the sport’s progress for more than 50 years.

At ANSW, we believe that athletics is a sport capable of offering opportunities to everyone, regardless of age or ability. For us, ‘inclusion’ is a core value. To that end, ANSW has been committed to achieving a One Athletics outcome – that is, a single governing body for Athletics in NSW – for well over a decade. At every available opportunity, ANSW has worked in good faith with LANSW and the national bodies to achieve that outcome.

That commitment has been demonstrated over a long period of time. By way of example, set out below is the statement from myself as Chair of ANSW from the 2019/20 ANSW Annual Report (available here):

“The unification of athletics in NSW and indeed Australia has been the better part of a decade in the making. It has been the subject of extensive scrutiny and analysis which has produced any number of expert reports and recommendations. The outcome of that analysis and independent expert advice is express and unequivocal. While there undoubtedly remains work to be done on the precise mechanics of unification, there can no longer be any rational basis to deny that the underlying principle of coming together is in the best interests of the sport as a whole.

We must end the culture of ‘us’ and ‘them’. We are not Little Athletics, opens and masters. We are all here because we love the same sport, and we want it to be as successful as it can be for those who come after us. The unification of athletics in NSW will be ANSW’s single most important strategic focus in 2020/21 and represents the single biggest opportunity for our sport to take a quantum leap forward to the benefit of the entire athletics community.”

That statement had been made in the context of the 2017 Joint Strategic Plan between ANSW and LANSW which provided a pathway to a merger of the two organisations. It was also made some 18 months before ANSW voted in favour of the merger of Athletics Australia and Little Athletics Australia, which would have provided for a single national governing body, and would have solved so many of the issues which plague Centres and Clubs today such as age group and event specification misalignment, as well as removing a duplicated national pathway.

We reiterate our long-held commitment to achieving a One Athletics outcome in NSW – and around the rest of Australia and at a national level – and we would welcome the same commitment being made by LANSW.

ANSW’s commitment to achieving that outcome is absolute. We see it as the single highest priority for the sport to realise its enormous potential and will work in good faith to achieve that outcome – as we have always sought to do. Indeed, the new ANSW affiliation, membership and competition and coaching (World Athletics Kids) offerings which have been announced recently have all been deliberately designed so that they may be incorporated into a One Athletics model. They have also been designed in a way so that they do not force a choice between Little Athletics and the ANSW offerings.

Transparency in the One Athletics Process

At all times, ANSW is committed to collaboration and transparency. In that vein, in the past two months, ANSW has met with more than 50 LANSW Centres and ANSW Clubs to discuss in one-on-one meetings the new ANSW offerings and our commitment to a One Athletics outcome in NSW. We have also held multiple open forums and will continue to do so. We have welcomed and actively encourage Centres and Clubs to provide us with as much feedback as possible – regardless of whether it is positive or constructive – to improve the service we provide for the betterment of the sport.

In progressing towards a One Athletics model, ANSW commits to working openly and transparently with affiliated Centres and Clubs, as well as other stakeholders such as coaches, officials, and athletes, on the design and implementation of that model.

ANSW has already undertaken to LANSW that we will prepare and provide a proposed One Athletics model which would be agreeable to ANSW (subject to confirmation from our affiliated Clubs). As well as providing that model to LANSW, we also make a commitment that we will provide that model to affiliated Centres and Clubs and to the wider NSW Athletics community so that they can inform themselves and make their own decision as to the merits of the model. We also commit to providing opportunities for interested Centres, Clubs and other stakeholders to attend forums and provide feedback through other mechanisms.

LANSW has also undertaken to ANSW that it would provide us with the ‘minimum requirements’ that it and its Centres wish to see dealt with in a One Athletics model. We look forward to receiving that information to inform the development of a model which adequately addresses those concerns.

Clarification sought regarding competition offerings

The ANSW offerings do not force any choice between Little Athletics and the ANSW. They are about offering choice and greater value for the sport’s Centres, Clubs and Athletes. ANSW exists to ensure that as many people as possible participate in Athletics in NSW. Our priority is to foster a single pathway through the sport; one that encourages participants to remain involved in athletics throughout the different phases of their lives.

We provide an unqualified commitment that there will be no ‘punitive’ or other adverse measures against any Centre or Club (or their athletes) which does not take up the ANSW offerings and we would welcome that undertaking being provided by LANSW.

Next steps

As set out above, the new ANSW offerings have been deliberately designed so that they can be incorporated into any merged One Athletics model. Accordingly, we encourage Centres and Clubs to continue to engage with us positively (as so many have done to date) to understand and adopt the benefits of those offerings.

In the meantime, ANSW will continue to put together the proposed model for a One Athletics model in NSW and looks forward to engaging with all interested parties on the design of that model. We welcome support and engagement from everybody who is committed to achieving that outcome in the best interests of the sport and its participants. 

This statement is made on behalf of and with the unanimous support of the ANSW Board of Directors.
