Athletics NSW Releases Strategic Plan: 2022-2026

Published Thu 24 Nov 2022

Click the image for a copy of "Stage 1: 2022-2024" of the Athletics NSW Strategic Plan, 2022-2026

Athletics NSW has released Stage 1 of it's new four-year strategic plan, which focuses on developing the five strategic pillars of the business:

1. Strengthen Governance and Culture
2. Grow Participation and Development
3. Expand Pathways and Competition
4. Develop Commercial and Marketing
5. Build Partnerships, Collaboration and Relationships

The plan has retains the same visions and priorities as Strategic Plan: 2019-2021, with a series of revised objectives and measurable tactics. These tactics have been identified with a longer-term focus on the key challenges and opportunities ahead – as well as an ambition to be bold and embrace change in order to significantly grow the sport.

The Strategic Plan: 2022-2026 reflects an opportunity for Athletics NSW to think differently and creatively, reset our focus on how we resource our sport, engage and support participants, nurture talent and build for the future.

One of the single-most important changes we have made in early 2022 has been to significantly increase the amount of consultation and engagement between Athletics NSW and the broader athletics community.

We remain committed to genuine transparency and accountability when it comes to our collective performance. As we embark on delivering this Strategic Plan, our members can expect to have more to say about ensuring that appropriate consultation structures are a permanent feature of the various functional areas of Athletics NSW’s operations.

We are also committed to holding ourselves accountable. In that spirit, from next year’s Annual Report onwards, we will publicly report to our members on our own performance against measures we have set as part of our strategic planning process. This will allow members to see our progress against each objective.

Athletics NSW and more broadly athletics in NSW is driven by an amazing community of people. Ultimately, this new plan is in place to ensure we are best positioned to support the dedicated, passionate and talented athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers and administrators at all levels of the sport.

Our future success will not come without challenges, all of which we are confident will be overcome due to the resiliency, creativity and commitment of our members. We are stronger together, as one family, and must remember that putting athletes at the heart of everything we do is always the most important thing.

This plan will help us capitalise on the renewed excitement and engagement in early 2022 and continue to build the sport long into the future.


Matthew Whitbread Christian Renford
Chair, Athletics NSW     CEO, Athletics NSW


For any enquiries regarding the Strategic Plan: 2022-2026, you can contact us anytime.

