Athletics NSW Administrator of the Year: Iris Good

Published Fri 24 Sep 2021

24 September 2021


Athletics NSW Administrator of the Year: Iris Good

A less visible group in athletics is the club administrators. They hold numerous key roles from President to secretary, registrar and competition organisers. They along with personal coaches are some of the people that are in most regular contact with our membership of athletes. The Athletics NSW Administrator of the Year award is an opportunity to recognise one of these hard working volunteers annually. For the 2020/21 season Athletics East club’s Iris Good is recognised for nearly 30 years volunteer service.


Iris Good’s first volunteer involvement was three decades ago.

“I got involved in the early 80's while in my late 20's,” recalled Good who was motivated by a desire to help. “I became involved due to jobs needing to be done and I stepped into help.”


Within a few years she was fully immersed.

“I started off with fundraising and uniforms but once BAYS Athletics Club started in 1986 I pretty much did everything apart from the President role. BAYS was such a small club though it was easy to keep the administration under control.”


When BAYS amalgamated, Iris Good continued her involvement with the new club.

“Since Athletics East started, I've mostly have been involved with the treasurer, uniforms and registrar roles. They are what I call boomerang jobs as you hand them over for someone to do only for it to bounce back to you a year or two later. Lately I’ve been involved with the statistics and results side of things as well. I am also actively involved with coaching at the club.”


Good has found working on some events to be particularly satisfying. They have included the Hopetown Sydney to Wyong Relay and the 24-hour relay in 1995 to raise funds for the Atlanta Olympic team. Athletics East is largely a distance running club. From her wealth of experience Good provides an interesting insight into key summer events for the club. “The NSW 3000m state champs on the track and the state track relays have been great events for the club participation wise.”


Good has also documented the club’s history.

“I took on the job to try and collate the first 25 years of Athletics East's track and field history, I'm very pleased with where I've got to. I know it's not 100% but pretty good considering a lot of the track history is not available online.”


She recognised club administration it is a team effort.

“I've been lucky to have been involved with so many fantastic people within the club structure that makes the administration role rewarding but the one person that makes it all gel is husband Peter.”


Thank you Iris for the significant contribution to our sport. You have had a positive impact on 100s of athletes over your three decades involvement.



David Tarbotton for Athletics NSW

Images: Iris Good - the athlete, coaching at the track and with husband Peter Good who volunteers alongside her.

