Athletes, officials, coaches, clubs and volunteers to be honoured at 2024 ANSW Awards

Published Tue 27 Feb 2024

27 February 2024

Athletes, officials, coaches, clubs and volunteers to be honoured at 2024 ANSW Awards

On Saturday April 27, Athletics NSW will celebrate a successful year of athletics as we recognise our athletes, clubs, coaches, technical officials and volunteers. The 2024 Athletics NSW Awards Dinner will be held at The Locker Room, Sydney Olympic Park.

The awards evening is a rare opportunity to acknowledge the behind the scenes work that clubs, coaches and volunteers do to support our athletes. Not often visible, they have an enormous and positive impact on the journey of our athletes as they support and encourage them. They are recognised with a number of awards including club of the year, country club of the year, administrator of the year, coach of the year, country coach of the year and various other awards.

Tickets are now on sale and will be limited. Tickets can be purchase here


One of the coveted awards is the Administrator of the Year. A look at the roll of honour of previous winners highlight incredible contributors to the sport. Consider the thousands of athletes they have supported in the sport with probably an average of two decades from each volunteer. Who will win the 2024 award?

Some previous winners of the Administrator of the Year award: Dan Suchy WES, Karen Herrmann ILL, Iris Good AEA, Margaret Beardslee MIN, Colin Whitbread BAN, Valmai Loomes IBS, Jo Cowan SSR, Evelyn Stark NEP, Terry Manns CBT, Jill Taylor NMA, David Archbold UTN, Ron Bendall UTN, Neil Barnett KEJ and Tim McGrath RBH.

Event details -

Name: 2024 Athletics NSW Awards Dinner

Venue: The Locker Room, Sydney Olympic Park.

Date: Saturday 27 April 2024, 6.00pm

Dress code: Smart Casual

Ticket price: $75 (early bird price), $85 (from the 22 April)

To purchase Tickets:


David Tarbotton for Athletics NSW

Image: Dan Suchy 2023 Administrator of the Year

