A Christmas message from the Chair of Athletics NSW

Published Tue 24 Dec 2019



What a wonderful time of year it is, a time when all of us reflect on what has occurred during the year both personally and professionally and also look towards the New Year.  


2019 has been a significant year for the continued development of our sport.   The changes that have occurred as a result of some brave decisions by both the board of directors of Athletics New South Wales and also our staff have continued to lead us through somewhat uncharted waters.


Now is a welcome time to reflect on the achievements of 2019.  I know that some of you have felt uncomfortable with a few of the changes that have occurred but I actually see this as a positive because it reflects the passion, that I have spoken about before, with members of the athletics family.  We are indeed a passionate group.  We feel strongly even about the smallest of issues. That is a good thing!   I’ve been involved with other sports but athletics particularly has passion, commitment, and contribution, that is sought-after in many of the other sports in Australia.


As we move through the 21st-century we must not only adapt to change but lead it.  If we are not ahead of the curve with what is required of not only athletics but any sport in Australia, and indeed the world, then eventually we will just become a backyard pastime.  


2020 will see more changes and more development in the culture of our sport.  As we already know OneAthletics is happening nationally and it is my personal goal that it occurs in New South Wales within the calendar year of 2020. 


Going forward, a united sport is the best legacy that we can all leave for future generations.  Future athletes that will put on a pair of spikes, pick up a shot, hammer, discuss, pole, or javelin.  Whether they run, walk, jump, or throw, regardless of the level with which that participation occurs, leadership has to occur via a united sport.


2020 will also see change in the development of the continuing definition of; “What does Athletics mean anyway?”  Again looking at the changing social structures of the 21st-century, athletics has to include recreational running and RunWest is a good example of a success story with ANSW ownership.  Another changing dynamic is the role of traditional clubs versus smaller dedicated groups.  This mix of attitudes has to be navigated carefully during 2020.  Additionally, the role of Athletics New South Wales itself has to be redefined given the changes that we are leading.


Change is a strange thing; as a group, people usually ask for change but as individuals, ironically, there is often a reluctance to change.  Routine can be comfortable.  But whatever way you look at it we as athletics family are not only passionate but also democratic. Moreso, despite the oft spoken criticisms which again are manifest of a passion and love of our sport, we are collectively a positive group and our culture reflects that.  I truly believe 2020 will be an exceptionally exciting year and historians will look back and say the years of 2017 to 2020 were landmarks and a watershed springboard for the sport of athletics.  We are all part of a defining milestone in our sport, which already has had formal organisation for 133 years (for the historians, Athletics New South Wales is the oldest governing body for athletics in Australia).  In summary: we maintain our traditions but also lead change for the future.


Finally, I would sincerely like to think the board of directors of Athletics New South Wales for the leadership and brave decisions that have been made.  Similarly the staff of Athletics New South Wales are a sterling team and working well and truly above and beyond what is required of them. I found this out personally in the period of time when I was acting CEO.  Lastly, and by no means least, I would both personally, and on behalf of Athletics New South Wales, like to wholeheartedly thank our volunteers and in particular our technical officials, without whom we would not have a sport of any sort.


I wish you a very Merry Christmas.  I hope it is a joyous and peaceful time for you surrounded by those that you love.  I also look forward to working with you in a productive, enjoyable, and successful New Year.


Yours in athletics,


Dr Peter Higgins.


Athletics New South Wales
