Under the partnership, all clubs/centres are now eligible for all competition properties.

Clubs/centre are no longer distinguished by their affiliation to Little Athletics NSW or Athletics NSW. Athletes from all clubs/centre can enter the competition pathway and the Zone & Region Championships (provided they are age eligible).

The list of Zones and Region allocations are available here.

The dates of the Zone and Region Championships are here.

Age Group

Year of Birth




Zone only



Zone & Region only



Zone, Region and State Championships







13’s (Under 14)


14’s (Under 15)


15’s (Under 16)


Para (Multiclass)9-10’s


Para (Multiclass) 11’s-12’s


Para (Multiclass)13’s-14’s (Under 15)



Athletes in the 16’s (U17), 17’s (U18), Under 20, Open and Masters age groups can still enter their relevant state Championships directly, without the need to progress from Zone and Region Championships.


No, all athletes must hold an eligible membership with a NSW Athletics club/centre.

7’s – 12’s






































Pack Start






Pack Start








Pack Start


























Sprint Hurdles


60m (45cm)

60m (45cm)

60m (60cm)

80m (60cm)

80m (68cm)

High Jump







Long Jump







Triple Jump







Discus Throw







Javelin Throw







Shot Put







Junior Relay*








* Junior Relay will consist of 4 athletes (one athlete from 9’s, 10’s, 11’s and 12’s)

  • 12’s may be replaced by a 9, 10 or 11
    - 11’s may be replaced by a 9 or 10
    - 10’s may be replaced by a 9

13’s (Under 14) – 17’s (Under 18)



13’s (Under 14)

14’s (Under 15)

15’s (Under 16)

16’s (Under 17)

17’s (Under 18)
































M: 100m (76cm)

F: 90m (76cm)


300m (76cm)















**Senior Relay will consist of 4 athletes (one athlete 13’s (U14), 14’s (U15), 15’s (U16) and 16’s (U17) OR 17’s (U18)

  • 16’s (U17) OR 17’s (U18) may be replaced by a 13 (U14), 14 (U15) or 15 (U16)
    - 15’s (U16) may be replaced by a 13 (U14) or 14 (U15)
    - 14’s (U15) may be replaced by a 13 (U14)

The following events are not offered in the pathway (including at Zone or Region), however still offered at the State Championships.


Hammer Throw **

13’s (U14); 14’s (U15); 15’s (U16)

Pole Vault **

13’s (U14); 14’s (U15); 15’s (U16)


14’s (U15); 15’s (U16)

3000m Walk

13’s (U14); 14’s (U15); 15’s (U16)

Competition Pathway Sprint Hurdles

Male 100m Hurdles (84cm)- 14’s (U15)

Male 100m Hurdles (84cm)- 15’s (U16)


**Athletes in the 12’s age group may enter the Hammer Throw & Pole Vault via direct entry

Athletes enter these events directly at State Championships. There are no prerequisites (standards or qualifying) for these events. Any number of athletes can compete



Only in Certain events. These events are;

Hammer Throw **

13’s (U14); 14’s (U15); 15’s (U16)

Pole Vault **

13’s (U14); 14’s (U15); 15’s (U16)


14’s (U15); 15’s (U16)

3000m Walk

13’s (U14); 14’s (U15); 15’s (U16)

Competition Pathway Sprint Hurdles

Male 100m Hurdles (84cm)- 14’s (U15)

Male 100m Hurdles (84cm)- 15’s (U16)


**Athletes in the 12’s age group may enter the Hammer Throw & Pole Vault via direct entry

All other events, in the 9’s, 10’s,11’s, 12’s, 13’s (U14), 14’s (U15), 15’s (U16) athletes cannot direct enter the Junior or Little Athletics Championships. They must progress via the entry rules available here.

Athletes in the 16’s (U17), 17’s (U18), Under 20, Open and Masters age groups can still enter their relevant state Championships directly, without the need to progress from Zone or Region Championships

Zone Championships

Entries for the Zone Championships are taken via the affiliated club/centre. Athletes are encouraged to contact their club/centre to enquire about entry process and entry prices.

Each Zone/club/centre fee varies. Please contact your club/centre to find further details relevant to your Zone. 

Either. However, you can only compete in one Zone Championships. Once you do, you must follow the pathway to Region and State from that Zone Championships.

You cannot switch clubs/centres and participate in two different Zone Championships, or follow two different pathways

The following maximum number of events will apply;

  • A maximum of four (4) athletes from each Centre/Club (or a greater number at the discretion of the
    zone) may be entered in each event in the 7’s-11’s age groups and no athlete may contest more than
    four (4) events, excluding relays.
  • In the 12’s- 17’s (U18), there are no restrictions on the number of athletes a Centre/Club may enter in
    an event; however, no athlete may contest more than six (6) events, excluding relays
  • For Para events, athletes in the 9’s/10’s age group may compete in a maximum of four (4) events;
    athletes in the 11-12’s may compete in a maximum of five (5) events; and athletes in the 13-14’s (u15)
    and 15’s-17’s (U18) may compete in a maximum of six (6) events

There will be no entries available on the day.

Questions on the event are best directed to your local club/centre.

Timetables are available from this page once ready for publication. When entry lists are available, they will also be available on this page.

Different zones will construct their timetables differently. Some will be ‘timed’ carnivals, i.e carnivals that have a published start time for each event. Others will be ‘not before’ timetables where each event will have a published time that indicates the earliest possible time the event will be conducted. These will be labelled on the timetable for the respective Zone

The Rules of Competition (ROC) available here will assist you with rules around the Championships.

Yes, If you have been allocated a bib number by your Centre/Club, please ensure this is worn.


If you have not been allocated a bib (largely athletes representing a ‘senior’ club), you’ll be given one on the day. If you progress to region, please ensure this bib is retained for use at the Region Championships.

No, all implements must use the implements supplied in the ‘pool’ available for all athletes.

All events will be timed via the use of Photo Finish or timing gates.

Yes, medals will be awarded to 7's at all Zones. All other age groups will be awarded medals at the discretion of their Zone.

Region Championships

Once all Zones are completed, the entry lists for the Region Championships will be posted to this page. There is no official entry procedure. All athletes will be assumed confirmed and entered.

If there is a fee involved in entering the Regional Championships, your club/centre will contact you to arrange payment

The Region Championships dates and venues are available here.

The progression rules from Region to State are available here

In exceptional circumstances only, please read the entry regulations here for further details on the circumstances for which exceptions will be provided.

The timetable will be available here

All timetables are timed i.e carnivals that have a published start time for each event

Yes, If you have been allocated a bib number by your Centre/Club, please ensure this is worn. 

If you have not been allocated a bib (largely athletes representing a ‘senior’ club), you’ll be given one at the Zone Championships. If you progress to region, please ensure this bib is retained for use at the Region Championships.

Yes, Photo finish will be used for all Region Championships. 

No, All Zone and Region Championships are not ANSW permitted. 

A list of events that can be used are available here.

Yes, athletes who finish 1st, 2nd or 3rd will receive a medal for their performance.